ZOOM Webinar

Here’s a manual on how to run a zoom webinar at UM.

Webinar license ZOOM is managed by: webinars-fhml@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Licensee of each faculty uses separate settings for Zoom Webinar.

Resources ZOOM including webinar
Normal zoom can be found in VideUM teach online UM Zoom manuals
Differences between “normal” zoom meetings (up to 300 people) and Zoom webinar for 500 people can be found in
Choose your VideoConfercingTool .

In addition, Zoom provides many instructions & training https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/categories/201146643

Useful tools to take Tutorials online

Maastricht university has made a list of tools and their uses to facilitate online learning for teachers and tutors.  

Tool wheel

Tool box 

Have a look at how you can Collaborate, Discuss, Practice, Produce, Investigate and Acquire Knowledge in an online learning environment. 



Mymediasite – make and upload your presentations

Dear colleagues, you can upload your presentations on mymediasite to share with your students.

Here is the link  https://videum.library.maastrichtuniversity.nl/i-want-to/upload-mymediasite/

You can also follow these videos for guidance: One has a shorter explanation and the other one is more detailed .

Good luck



Hartklepgame.nl is a serious game for gps developed by cardiologists in collaboration with gps. The learning objectives are aimed at improving your knowledge and skills in the field of cardiological examination and auscultation. Training basic skills in a virtual environment is the new way of learning!
Try the free version at https://hartklepgame.nl/


VideUM – Maastricht University video portal

Some links to sections of VideUM the Maastricht University video portal, supported by the UM library.

Knowledge clips: Openshot

If you have found/made a video for your course, and you need to edit it; perhaps delete some parts of it or add a few slides in between to provide further explanations for your students, then we can tell you about openshot. A great video-editing tool.
Here is a clip that our colleagues in the library have made. You see instructions on how to use Open shot.
Openshot is a free tool. You can download and install it on your computer through this link. https://www.openshot.org/nl/


Educational lunch lecture: Videos and Knowledge clips

On Tuesday April 2nd 2019 Maryam Asoodar and Jan Hensgens (both task group Instructional Design and eLearning) in cooperation with Ilse Sistermans (University Library) did a highly interactive lecture about the use of videos and knowledge clips for the Faculty FHML. This lecture was attended by about 40 staff members. The main focus was on a didactic perspective, emphasizing the necessity of an educational embedding or a video. The alignment of learning goals, the design of the education, the learning material and the clip has been discussed. Some guidelines about multi media design and some quality criteria to grade existing knowledge clips has been provided.The audience has been actively involved using the online tool Whooclap to discuss the Why, What, How or knowledge clips. Finally an overview of the production steps are provided. here (presentation as ppt file) .

Contact us via id_elearning@maastrichtuniversity.nl if you are interested in one of the follow-up activities: