Arts – Patiënt Gesprek – A set of 8 video scenarios explaining patient consultations in Dutch

In these set of videos you can find the examples of patient-doctor scenarios in Dutch

Arts – Patiënt Gesprek | Diabetes
Arts – Patiënt Gesprek | Auto-immuunziekten
Arts – Patiënt Gesprek | Ademhaling
Arts – Patiënt Gesprek | Hartziekten
Arts – Patiënt Gesprek | Oncologie
Arts – Patiënt Gesprek | Neurologie
Arts – Patiënt Gesprek | Abdomen
Arts – Patiënt Gesprek | Bewegingsapparaat

Maastricht University FHML Hybrid Education Suggestions

Over the last months, the O&O taskforces have offered tailored advice to several course coordinators. The lessons learned from these collaborations and previous course evaluations have been combined into this file. We hope this document can support you in designing your courses. We deliberately re-included some of the more general, previously distributed information in the file too, offering you a more complete overview of all information currently available. Hybrid_education_at_FHML7jan2021

ZOOM Webinar

Here’s a manual on how to run a zoom webinar at UM.

Webinar license ZOOM is managed by:
Licensee of each faculty uses separate settings for Zoom Webinar.

Resources ZOOM including webinar
Normal zoom can be found in VideUM teach online UM Zoom manuals
Differences between “normal” zoom meetings (up to 300 people) and Zoom webinar for 500 people can be found in
Choose your VideoConfercingTool .

In addition, Zoom provides many instructions & training

Useful tools to take Tutorials online

Maastricht university has made a list of tools and their uses to facilitate online learning for teachers and tutors.  

Tool wheel

Tool box 

Have a look at how you can Collaborate, Discuss, Practice, Produce, Investigate and Acquire Knowledge in an online learning environment.